The introduction of Trush

As the attention of Solana has been growing, the expectation of the demand for Solana will continue to rise up. Therefore, we want to offer a permissionless, highly secured and the fastest platform in the ecosystem.

You might be aware of the tremendous growth in the world of DeFi. There are still a large portion of users who are agitated or uninformed about the use cases and the financial benefit of DeFi. The aim of Trush is to aggregate the world of cryptography and the real world. We will provide sufficiency and a platform with high scalability and interoperability. We will develop our own Trush Payments, which will provide our users with a simplified form of remittances and creates a upmost user-friendly environment. The platform of Trush is characterized for being a solution of the primary problems in DeFi.

Trush is developing the future of finance by solving the lack of scalability and interoperability (in the banking realm). We as Trush give all users on the platform an opportunity to be financially independent without the need of a credit check and to be free from the surveillance of large centralized entities. Globally, there are still a huge amount of adults unbanked - without an account at a financial institution. At Trush, any user in the globe has the ability to create an account and get started seamlessly.

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